Hohner Blues Harp C Usna harmonika
Hohner Blues Harp usna harmonika je funkcionalnog dizajna koji kombinuje drveni češalj visoke maske bez bočnih otvora i kvalitetne ploče koje instrumentu daju tipičan bluz zvuk. Idealana za početnike kao i za iskusne svirače.
The brand name ”Blues Harp® “ has attained cult status in the contemporary music scene. The model which bears the name features a functional design combining a wooden comb, high covers without side vents and high quality reed plates to give the instrument its typical bluesy sound, which has made it immensely popular with beginning and intermediate players alike.
Doussié wood comb
Stainless steel covers without side vents
20 MS reeds
0.9 mm brass reed plates
Available in all 12 major keys
Made in Germany